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Act of Union
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (6765 Показы)
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (7835 Показы)
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (7302 Показы)
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (9431 Показы)
Death of a Naturalist
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (6567 Показы)
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (11420 Показы)
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (6500 Показы)
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (6393 Показы)
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (6524 Показы)
From The Frontier Of Writing
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (6128 Показы)
Keeping Going
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (6104 Показы)
La mure
: Стихотворения 2011-07-27 (8496 Показы)
: Стихотворения 2009-08-06 (7193 Показы)
Primele epurări
: Стихотворения 2011-08-13 (8974 Показы)
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Биография Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney (born 13 April 1939) is an Irish poet, writer and lecturer who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1995. He currently lives in Dublin.
Seamus Heaney was born on April 13, 1939 into a family of nine children at the family farmhouse called Mossbawn, between Castledawson and Toomebridge in Northern Ireland.
In 1953, his family moved to Bellaghy, a few miles away, which is now the family home. His father, Patrick Heaney, owned and worked a small farm of fifty acres in County Londonderry, but his real commitment was to cattle-dealing, to which he was introduced by the uncles who had cared for him after the early death of his own parents.
Seamus' mother came from the McCann family, whose uncles and relations were employed in the local linen mill and whose aunt had worked as a maid to the mill owners' family.
The poet has commented on the fact that his parentage thus contains both the Ireland of the cattle-herding Gaelic past and the Ulster of the Industrial Revolution; he considers this to have been a significant tension in his background.
Născut la 13 aprilie 1939 în Irlanda de Nord, cel mai mare din nouă frați, a studiat limba și literatura engleză la Queen's University Belfast și a început să scrie și să publice în 1962.
Primul volum de poezie, Death of a Naturalist, a apărut în 1966 la editura Faber and Faber.
Au urmat, în ordine cronologică, cinsprezece alte volume, de la Door in the Dark, 1969, la Electric Light (2001) și District and Circle (2006), toate scoase, invariabil, de aceeași editură Faber and Faber; traduceri din literatura veche, între care Metamorfozele lui Ovidiu, Beowulf și Lamentațiile de Jan Kochanowski (sec. XVI), eseuri despre rolul și menirea poeziei (chiar discursul de la primirea premiului Nobel, 1995, are acest subiect - "Creditând poezia"), precum și două adaptări ale unor piese de Sofocle.
A predat cursuri de poezie la diferite universități, în Irlanda, Marea Britanie și SUA, iar definițiile date de el poeziei au devenit celebre ca niște dictoane clasice.